After Jason Reitman, son of original Ghostbusters director Ivan Reitman, revealed he has his own sequel in the works, one of the stars of Paul Feig’s 2016 Ghostbusters reboot spent the weekend explaining how extremely not good this new round of bustin’ makes her feel. “So insulting. Like fuck us,” Leslie Jones tweeted Saturday. “We dint count. It’s like something trump would do. (Trump voice) ‘Gonna redo ghostbusteeeeers, better with men, will be huge. Those women ain’t ghostbusteeeeers’ ugh so annoying. Such a dick move. And I don’t give fuck I’m saying something!!”
While the teaser for Reitman’s sequel doesn’t reveal who all will be strapping on a proton pack come 2020, it’s clear from Jones’s tweet that she fears clearing Feig’s all-female ghost-fighting lineup from the franchise’s deck will deter studios from creating female-fronted reimaginings, especially after the infamous internet clusterfuck that accompanied the decision.
“It’s very sad that this is response I get,” Jones tweeted on Sunday, after fielding fans’ reactions. “When the point is if they make this new one with all men and it does well which it will. It might feel that ‘boys are better’ it makes my heart drop. Maybe I could have use different words but I’m allowed to have my feelings just like them.”