Following an intense backlash, the Academy sent a letter to its membership on Wednesday clarifying the news that some Oscars would be presented during commercial breaks, with their speeches being aired later in the broadcast. “Unfortunately, as the result of inaccurate reporting and social media posts, there has been a chain of misinformation that has understandably upset many Academy members,” the letter read, according to Variety. “We’d like to restate and explain the plans for presenting the awards, as endorsed by the Academy’s Board of Governors.” Those plans are that some Oscars will be presented during commercial breaks, with their speeches being aired later in the broadcast. Got it? Good. It’s just the walking to and from the stage they’re cutting out, okay?
The four categories getting what was referred to as “abbreviated treatment” this year are Cinematography, Film Editing, Makeup and Hairstyling, and Live Action Short. In the future, four to six categories will be selected for rotation, and this year’s abbreviated categories will be guaranteed a slot on 2020’s televised broadcast. The Oscars air on February 24.