Let the Heigl Cinematic Universe expand: At Entertainment Weekly’s 27 Dresses cast reunion, Katherine Heigl revealed that she’d swap her Suits suits for — you guessed it — even more dresses. And not only would she be interested in a sequel, but she has an idea that she’s been pitching around to the rest of the cast and to director Anne Fletcher. Taking their characters Jane and Kevin in a direction that would give James Marsden the Before Sunrise trilogy that his career frankly deserves, Heigl asks: “It would be awesome to see, seriously, what are their lives like ten years later? Do they end up together?” (Heigl thinks they do.)
A lot has changed since the beloved film’s 2008 release — James Marsden notes that the “iPhone was invented” as they filmed — and Heigl’s vision for a sequel accounts for that. Heigl suggests that her now-married character would be unsuccessfully trying to conceive while going from being a marathon bridesmaid to a repeat-godmother, having “to plan the christenings and the baby showers and the gender-reveal parties and the whole thing.” Honestly, gender reveals are long overdue for a biting takedown, and a montage of Katherine Heigl orchestrating increasingly ridiculous balloon pops and glitter bombs and baby-shaped pinatas basically writes itself. Who wouldn’t want to watch a scene where Heigl tries to paint a live dove pink and hide it in her purse?
Heigl added that “unfortunately we can’t quite get the rights,” but that hasn’t stopped her from mapping out her grand design. No word at this time on whether or not Judy Greer would revive her iconic role as “best friend who tells it like it is.”