He’s at it again! After previously cutting the Star Wars prequels into one 85-minute movie, Topher Grace (along with Jeff Yorkes) cut a trailer for all ten Star Wars films. “Why don’t studios make “mega-trailers,” tying all the movies of one franchise together, reminding you why you fell in love in the first place?” asked Yorkes on Twitter. “Wouldn’t that kick ass?!” The trailer does indeed kick ass. Star Wars: Always uses footage from the OG trilogy, the prequels, the Disney sequels, and even deleted footage. Pretty much everything except the Holiday Special. And even though it shortchanged Leia’s story, I fully cried a few times watching these characters’ lives unfold over a few dissolves.
Grace uses editing as a therapeutic hobby, like how Joan Crawford used to knit. We’ve already discussed the prequel recut, but his cutting compulsion doesn’t stop at Star Wars. After getting grossed out by humanity by playing David Duke in BlacKkKLansman, he edited the Hobbit trilogy down to one movie. So far, Grace has only cut down genre-defining speculative fiction, but I’d love to see what he’d do with the Fast and the Furious series.