last night on late night

Elton John Won’t Stop Sending Taron Egerton Reviews of Rocketman

Taron Egerton and Elton John are very good friends now. Such good friends that Elton John has invited Egerton to stay in his home, specifically in an amazingly good-smelling guest room decorated in an ornamental cat theme. But while Elton told Egerton that he thought they were “cut from the same cloth,” there is one small difference between them: Egerton tries to avoid reviews of his movies, but Elton is sending him different reviews of Rocketman every day. Every. Day. Luckily, it’s probably not too painful, as the film apparently received a four-minute standing ovation at Cannes, which is Cannes-speak for “Good job!”

Elton John Keeps Sending Taron Egerton Rocketman Reviews