Adam Sandler’s Opera Man made his valiant, wig-tastic return to SNL last night, where he lamented, among other things, HBO’s ratings future and the gropa-gropa, sniffa-sniffa tendencies of a certain presidential candidate. He also gently mocked the new rom-com Long Shot for, uh, taking a certain page out of the Sandler Film Playbook, and its star Seth Rogen was ecstatic. Seriously, this was some life-affirming stuff for the guy! “Pretty lady, goofy man-ah, Opera Man no understand-ah,” Sandler put in his aria. “Silly face but still he score-ah, where have I seen this before-ah? Come on, man!” (Where have we seen this before? Blended, Just Go With It, and Click for starters, man!)
“Opera Man making a joke about me is maybe the most amazing thing that’s ever happened to me,” Rogen responded on social media this morning. “Holy shit what an insane honor.” His Long Shot co-star, Charlize Theron, has remained mum on the sketch, although the likelihood of Sandler being one of her primary career inspirations is zero to none. But who knows.