Last year, Comedy Central ordered a new sketch-comedy series from Broad City’s Arturo Castro titled Alternatino. The show features Castro playing over 45 characters in sketches where “he attempts to navigate life as a modern Latino man — whatever that means.” The show doesn’t officially debut on Comedy Central until next Tuesday, June 18, but if you want to get a head start on it, you can watch the complete series premiere right here.
Speaking to Vulture earlier this year, Comedy Central development exec Sarah Babineau described Alternatino as an “evolution of a sketch show” — funny sketches mixed with a larger narrative element threaded through each episode. In the series premiere, the narrative element is Arturo’s struggles with dating as a millennial Latino man who doesn’t exactly fit his date’s stereotypical assumption of who he should be; Arturo loves Mumford & Sons and being a wallflower much more than he likes dancing to salsa in the club.
Elsewhere in the episode, Castro plays a father who attempts to give his son the sex talk, only to discover his son is way ahead of him when it comes to woke sex and gender knowledge; a cutting-edge robot programmed to be extremely insecure; the Puerto Rican man who caught the now-infamous paper-towel roll thrown by Donald Trump after Hurricane Maria; a sad husband in a House Hunters spoof featuring Late Night’s John Lutz called Broken Home Hunters; and the desperate star of a tourism ad for his home country Guatemala: “Whenever I ask my white friends why they go to Costa Rica instead of Guatemala, they’re like, ‘Isn’t Guatemala basically Mexico?’ Fuck you. Or ‘Oh, I want to go zip-lining.’ We have fucking zip-lining in Guatemala! We have all the same shit! Fuck you!”