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Britney Spears’s Instagram Is the Purest Place on the Internet

Photo: Britney Spears/Instagram

She’s beauty, she’s grace, and she’ll kill the choreography to any song you give her. Since Britney Spears returned home from a mental-health facility in late April, her Instagram has become a beacon of positivity, enough to make even a Xtina fan stan. The pop star is dedicated to the grind but takes time (and feed space) out for relaxation, jamming to pop hits, and making the occasional duck face. Doesn’t that about sum up the true meaning of summer? Add these Instagram posts to your saved collection entitled “summer 2k19” and let Britney inspire you like it’s 2000 again.

Like so so many of us in our bedroom mirrors, Britney danced her heart out to Billie Eilish’s “bad guy” with her OG partner, a snake. Eilish posted the video to her Instagram Story with the caption “WOOOOOOOOOOOOOW.” Same.

What we think summer is going to be like:

What our summer is actually like: nothing at all like this, except we are also still listening to Cardi B’s “I Like It.”

All work and no play is not the Britney Spears way. When she’s not working on her fitness (he’s her witness), she’s working on her mental health, her main focus as she deals with her dad’s life-threatening illness. Some days, the best medicine is simply getting weird in the selfie cam and not apologizing for it.

What’s more mesmerizing: the peacock, the blue-ass water, or Britney herself?

Ten years later and she’s still Miss Bad Media Karma. Another day, another drama! Using two incredible pieces of content, Britney addresses the “#FreeBritney” rumor that people are controlling her. In the first, she explains, “I did this video yesterday, so you’re wrong.” It has all the potential of an album interlude. In the second video, Britney poses in various party dresses as Rihanna’s “Man Down” plays. She’s carefree and doesn’t care who sees.

Again, what we think summer is going to be like:

What our summer is actually like: falling off a Citi bike.

Britney channels Lupita Nyong’o (something we should all put into practice) to remind her Instagram friends about the struggles of fame. Although it’s a more somber quote, Britney keeps it light in the caption. Have a nice day, but also don’t forget that celebrity is a curse!

Billie Eilish, Rihanna, Cardi B, and now Nicki Minaj. #FreeBritneysPlaylists! We won’t be ready for summer until they’re released.

Britney’s Instagram Is the Purest Place on the Internet