Lena Headey has spent enough time quietly raging under her turnip wig and will now strike a more upbeat tone in a pilot for Showtime’s Rita. Adapted from a Danish show of the same name, which you can stream on Netflix, Rita focuses on a teacher and single mother who likes to buck the system and “takes on every kind of authority — as well as her family — in a messy and unfiltered way,” according to the plot description. (Imagine a vibe closer to Headey’s recent turn in Fighting With My Family than that of Cersei Lannister’s.) The actress will executive-produce in addition to starring, and if you’d like to see more of Headey in the meantime, she just committed to a voice-acting role in The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance and is currently feuding on the set of Gunpowder Milkshake with Karen Gillan.