The rollout of Taylor Swift’s newest pop bop, “You Need to Calm Down,” has been moving along with the typical surgical precision, thanks to her cryptic lyrics, criticisms of Donald Trump, saccharine videos, and pit stops at historic LGBTQ landmarks. And now, it’s time for her to hit the lecture circuit! Responding to rumors that she and her newly reconciled pal, Katy Perry, will be making out in her “YNTCD” music video (set to be released on Monday morning), Swift wrote on Tumblr how rumors like these from her fans do way more harm than good.
“Guys. That is absolutely false,” she explained, per People. “To be an ally is to understand the difference between advocating and baiting. Anyone trying to twist this positivity into something it isn’t needs to calm down. It costs zero dollars to not step on our gowns.” Swift has been in full-on advocacy mode since last week’s release of her second Lover track, “You Need to Calm Down,” which features the particularly pointed couplet of: “Why are you mad/When you could be GLAAD?” You ready for 2019’s Woke Swift takeover?