They said it couldn’t be done. Heck, we said it couldn’t be done! But Avengers: Endgame has surpassed Avatar to become the highest earner in box-office history. Variety is reporting that Endgame crossed $2.7892 billion at the global box office Saturday, and will handily top Avatar’s $2.7897 billion record before it leaves theaters globally. James Cameron’s friendly blue guys topped box-office records for more than a decade, but did they have Fat Thor? Okay, it wasn’t Fat Thor that did it for Endgame, it was the rerelease with six minutes of additional footage. Also Cap’s butt. That had to count for at least a grand of ticket sales.
Endgame was the conclusion of years of Marvel movies and storytelling. Many fans felt an obligation to see it in theaters and cap years of emotional investment. Avatar, in theory, has four more movies to deepen the emotional bond between viewer and CGI alien. Will James Cameron sivako (Na’vi for rise to the challenge)? Only the Seed Bearer knows.