Orange Is the New Black, a show that feels completely antithetical to Gilmore Girls (hold on, we’re going somewhere with this), almost had a very similar ending, as revealed in The Hollywood Reporter’s unfiltered oral history of OITNB. Almost. Let’s explain. Jenji Kohan revealed that the creative team messed around with the idea of having Piper option her story for a television show and having Jenji Kohan pitch it to Netflix in the finale. What! “Since season one, the joke ending that would come up occasionally was to get super meta and cast an actress to be Jenji who goes into Netflix and pitches a show,” executive producer Tara Herrmann said. Kohan herself entertained the idea: “Piper having a meeting and then selling the show and having her watch someone playing her. We toyed with it.” Remind you of another Netflix show? At the end of Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life, Rory and Lorelai convene over Rory’s memoir. In a stroke of genius, Lorelai says, “Drop the the. Just Gilmore Girls.” And thus, we enter a Gilmore Girls meta-dramatic universe so mind-boggling, of course it took Amy Sherman-Palladino to write it. But unlike Gilmore Girls, a very wise and important consultant vetoed the meta ending on OITNB. “I was at dinner and joking about it and my 13-year-old son was like, ‘No. You cannot do that,’” Kohan said. Thank goodness for the clarity of youth.