after the final rose

It Appears The Bachelorette’s Hannah B Is Finally Getting Some Tyler D

Photo: mark bourdillon/ABC via Getty Images

A few days after newly single Hannah Brown asked her Bachelorette runner-up, Tyler Cameron, out for a drink on national television after dumping Jed “Guitar” Wyatt, it seems the status of those drinks went … very well. Per paparazzi photos from TMZ, Cameron was spotted leaving Brown’s new Los Angeles apartment on Friday morning. The duo, unaware of the cameras and clad in jammies, stood on Brown’s front porch for a bit while chatting and looking at his phone. (Cameron also had a backpack. Always prepared!) “He has always been supportive and respectful and has continued to do so, so I want him to be a part of my life in some way,” Brown said about the sweet Florida prince during her post-finale media blitz. “So I want to be able to hang out. Those feelings were real, you don’t just turn off those emotions.” He wasn’t wearing a salmon jacket, but still, we’re gonna take the win with this.

The Bachelorette’s Hannah B Might Be Getting Some Tyler D