how am i not myself

John Travolta Does John Travolta Impressions on The Tonight Show

John Travolta appeared in what had to be an existentially harrowing game on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon. He and Fallon battled to see who had the better Travolta impression. You know how every time you think about your breathing, it fucks up your breathing and you forget how lungs work and it’s a miracle you don’t pass out right there in the yoga studio? John Travolta had to go through that on television. And not just for breathing, for merely existing. If John Travolta is fine with operating as a self-manufacturing husk, than that’s great news. If not, he might be in a puddle on the floor of 30 Rock right now, having a “Jude Law at the end of I Heart Huckabeesâ€â€“level freakout.

Who’s a Better John Travolta: Travolta or Jimmy Fallon?