Ring the alarm! Lorde is in danger and only your tweets can save her! Well … not really, but that’s what the word on the street is in New Zealand, where lawmakers are threatening to take legal action against families whose children drop out of school and leave their studies incomplete. According to The Guardian, the opposition National Party in New Zealand is considering trying to take a harder stance on truancy and fining parents NZ$3,000 if their children don’t stay in school until the age of 16. This legal action would absolutely affect wunderkind and Auckland native Lorde, who left New Zealand in her early teenage years to craft the genre we now affectionately refer to as sad-girl teen pop.
While it’s highly unlikely that this law will pass, and even more unlikely that Lorde will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of it, her fans are not taking any chances. They’ve started a massive, hilarious Twitter campaign to keep Lorde out of prison and in the recording studio (where she belongs!) via the hashtag #freeLORDE.
Follow the hashtag #freeLORDE and you will find so much to love: Lorde stans putting in the work to free their fave, New Zealanders taking opposition leader Simon Bridges to task for threatening to fine their queen, and a lot of confused people who are worried about the singer and simply looking for answers. But they need not worry! Everyone knows that Lorde never needed to go to school — she is a gorgeous witch who has existed in this celestial plane for anywhere between 380 and 572 years. However, if Lorde does somehow end up on the wrong side of the law, her fans should have seen it coming because she said it herself: I’m a liability.