The final trailer for Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker has arrived, courtesy of ESPN’s Monday Night Football, and on Carrie Fisher’s birthday no less, and if there was anything you felt you just hadn’t seen in the franchise’s previous films over the last 42 years, J.J. Abrams is hoping he can provide it. Hand-to-hand combat on the outside of a Super Star Destroyer? Check. Kylo and Rey (seemingly) teaming up to destroy a (extremely seemingly) Darth Vader–like figure? Check. More Carrie Fisher? Check. The voice of Mark Hamill as Luke Skywalker? Check. The voice of Emperor Palpatine?! Check and check. “People keep telling me they know me. No one does,” Rey intones. Replies Kylo, “But I do.” Meanwhile, we know you are going to want tickets, which are available now. The Rise of Skywalker drops this holiday season on December 20.