Looks like James Corden has as little emotional investment in Cats as moviegoers do. The Late Late Show host and Bustopher Jones actor reportedly left the December 16 New York City premiere of Tom Hooper’s Cats early, According to “Page Six,” the ever in-demand Corden had to fly back to Los Angeles to film Ryan Murphy’s adaptation of the Broadway musical The Prom. Corden did walk the Cats red carpet claws out, but wasn’t there for introductions, an attendee told “Page Six.” “The director started introducing the cast, building up to Jennifer Hudson [and] Taylor Swift . . . When he called for Rebel [Wilson] and James, only Rebel walked out, and Tom repeated James’s name a couple more times,” they recalled. “Finally, Rebel joked, ‘James has had enough, he’s not coming out!’ Tom just looked confused.” Yikes. Tom Hooper did not need another L. One source insisted that studio reps knew Corden had a 7 a.m. call time in L.A. and that he waited as long as possible before leaving. Either way, the host missed out on watching the furry fiasco. Earlier this week, he admitted to not having seen Cats, presumably because he ditched the premiere. “I’ve heard it’s terrible,” he deadpanned. Welp, at least he got a lot of great Late Late Show bits out of it.