Jameela Jamil is, as the kids say, has been on one since the series finale of The Good Place last week. First, she gets cast as a lead judge (not the lead judge but a lead judge, mind you) on Legendary, a new competition series about ballroom culture headed to HBO’s streaming platform HBO Max. Then, after facing some healthy criticism as to why HBO Max would cast Jameela Jamil as a judge of voguing and ballroom culture instead of, say, someone who has a documented history with voguing and ball room culture, she came out as queer via Notes app and framed her ignorance of ballroom culture as a potential asset to the show. And now? Jamil has joined with the organization Women of Color Unite (WOCU) to fight sizeism in the entertainment industry. All in the last 24 hours!
Deadline reports that Jamil and WOCU will host a panel in early May on sizeism at Soho House in West Hollywood, which seems like the perfect location to tackle this issue. The panel will “focus on the unfair treatment of women in entertainment based on their size” as well as “unwrap the impact of sizeism, and what actions must be taken to combat the issue.” Anyone who follows Jamil on Twitter knows that this issue is near and dear to her heart, as she frequently uses her platform to call out other celebrities (sometimes named Kardashian) for contributing to unrealistic and unhealthy body expectations for women. While it’s great to be booked and busy after a beloved show ends, even Tahani would say that it seems like Jameela is taking a lot on at the moment. Jameela, if you’re reading this, the work you are doing is great but remember it’s ok to take a break! You don’t have to solve all of society’s ills in one day! Before you take on your next project ask yourself: WWTD (What Would Tahani Do)?