Celebrity responses to the coronavirus have been, on the whole, a mixed bag — ranging from helpful to misguided to utterly tone deaf. Britney Spears, thankfully, fell into the first category in her recent Instagram video to fans, requesting they personally reach out to her for help through her DMs. “Our world is going through such hard times right now,” Spears said in the video. “Whether it’s with food or I’m getting your child diapers or whatever it is, DM me and I will help you out.” It was a truly kind, straightforward offer that stands in stark contrast to other, stranger responses to the pandemic we’ve seen so far from celebrities. Spears further explained in her Instagram caption that she’ll be picking three fans to “help out during this difficult time,” and nominated Will Smith, Kate Hudson, and her own boyfriend, Sam Asghari, to pass on the good deed. Check out Spears’s Instagram below.