Well. Contrary to what everyone else is beseeching us to do during the coronavirus pandemic and self-isolating, Evangeline Lilly will not be staying inside during the health crisis. She posted to Instagram today, letting folks know that her kids are continuing to attend gymnastics camp and that it is “business as usual” at her house. A number of people took issue with her stance in the comments to her post, but Lilly says she’s choosing liberty. “I am also immune compromised at the moment,” she told one person. “I have two young kids. Some people value their lives over freedom, some people value freedom over their lives. We all make our choices.”
She also shared that she’s living with her father at the moment, who is very immunocompromised with stage-four leukemia. Lilly also replied to one commenter, saying, “There’s ‘something’ every election year,” and gave a bit of a libertarian take when she explained, “Where we are right now feels a lot too close to Marshall Law [sic] for my comfort already, all in the name of a respiratory flu.” Adding that, “It’s unnerving … Let’s be vigilant right now. And kind. Watchful and gracious — keeping a close eye on our leaders, making sure they don’t abuse this moment to steal away more freedoms and grab more power.” So, that’s what’s going on at House Lilly. Watch out for those gymnastics-camp vectors, everyone.
Update 3/25: Lilly’s Lost co-star Maggie Grace would like a polite word with the Ant Man and The Wasp actress about the importance of solidarity at this time. Grace replied to Lilly’s questionable Instagram post with an explanation for why everyone needs to be social distancing.
Update 3/26: Who knows if it was Maggie Grace polite disciplining or just an organic change of heart, but Lilly has changed her stance on social distancing. The actress posted to Instagram on March 26 to say she is following along with issued safety guidelines, and is also sorry for her previous post. “I want to offer my sincere and heartfelt apology for the insensitivity I showed,” writes Lilly. “Grandparents, parents, children, sisters and brothers are dying, the world is rallying to find a way to stop this very real threat, and my ensuing silence has sent a dismissive, arrogant and cryptic message.” We can now return to loving the Ant-Man movies.