If we’re all going to keep consuming celebrity coronavirus content (and clearly we all are, because we work here and you’re reading this!), the least the celebs can do is cut the sentimentality and give us a peep into their own stir-crazy quarantine minds. It’s no surprise, then, that no one can deliver social distancing–induced silliness like Mariah Carey, who keeps her excellent quarantine videos coming with a new look at her exercise routine. Sunglasses on inside the house? Check. Off-the-shoulder Gucci? Check. Latex gloves? A given. The singer also has an updated version of her 2005 hit “It’s Like That” with a very special 2020 twist.
‘“I believe it was a young Jermaine Dupri that said, “This is … the point when I need everybody to put their gloves on,” Carey jokes, riffing on Dupri’s song-starting line: “This is … the point when I need everybody to get to the dance floor.” She continues, “’I came to work out / Quarantine’s got me stressed out / Oh well, that’s what’s up now / Boy, I know you’re watching this, so what’s it gonna be?” Laughs the singer, “But for real, you gotta just keep it going with this whole thing. I don’t know what else to say.” Mariah, you said it all.