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Andie MacDowell Slithers Out of a Closed Park and Back Into Quarantine

And I — oop! Photo:

Why be outraged over famous actors getting tested for the coronavirus when we can be outraged about them breaking into closed parks instead? This is some literal gatekeeping at work, folks. In one of the most amusing paparazzi shots in recent memory (sorry Backfleck tattoo, but you had your time), Andie MacDowell and her two daughters, one of whom recently decided to date Pete Davidson, were spotted over the weekend sneaking in and out of a Los Angeles park that’s been indefinitely shuttered due to coronavirus safety precautions. Per Page Six, the trio and their dog had to wiggle under the gate to gain access to the Audubon Center in Debs Park, which has been closed since March. “No one from the Audubon encountered them,” a park spokesperson told the outlet, “and we will not penalize them.” Not wearing any masks either, huh? Even though the city’s mayor has now made them a requirement? Where do they think they were, Punxsutawney?

Andie MacDowell Slithers Out of a Closed Park