Two years after its series finale, The Americans stands tall as one of the most devastating and also wiggiest shows to air on television. But did you know that the coterie of very capable, very emotional Russian spies were sharing a lot of their wigs? That’s what Matthew Rhys, wine aficionado and future Perry Mason, decided to reveal on Twitter today, quote-tweeting an account celebrating the series to note that, yes, he and his co-stars shared some wigs in common, in the collection of stills they pasted together.
The whole thing is a tribute to the versatility of The Americans’s hair and makeup department, which managed to really get a lot of mileage out of their wigs. On the top left, it’s worth adding, Rhys is in disguise as Clark, who’s seducing Martha (poor Martha!) to get intel from inside the FBI. The actor himself once Vulture that “I hated the wig,” which apparently was also inflicted upon Margo Martindale at some point. As for the wig on the right, this is just an advertisement for all you can do with bangs. Now, Matthew Rhys, please give the masses what they want and drop a photo of yourself in a Keri Russell-as-Felicity wig.