HBO Max is continuing its venture into original content — this time not involving Seth Rogen in a pickle vat — with a new animated series based on Matthew A. Cherry’s Oscar-winning animated short Hair Love. Hair Love follows seven-year-old Zuri and her father as he learns to do her hair for the first time. The new series, titled Young Love, will further explore the lives of Zuri and her parents, Stephen and Angela, along with their pet cat Rocky, “as they juggle their careers, marriage, parenthood, social issues, and multi-generational dynamics,” according to Variety. Hair Love won Best Animated Short at the 92nd Academy Awards (which, yes, was only five months ago). Cherry will create and show-run the series alongside animator Carl Jones, who previously worked on The Boondocks and Black Dynamite, with Insecure’s Dayna Lynne North attached to write.