Seth Rogen tweeted out whatever the opposite of a D.A.R.E. PSA is on Saturday, in response to a request from British Columbia premier John Horgan. Horgan asked Rogen and fellow prominent British Columbian Ryan Reynolds to encourage young people to stay home during the COVID-19 pandemic, and both actors answered the call. “People of British Columbia! Please do not go out to parties and BBQs and other large gatherings! The COVID is still out there! It’s more fun to hang out alone and smoke weed and watch movies and TV shows anyway! Do that instead! Thank you!” Rogen tweeted. For his part, Reynolds tweeted out a “voicemail” to Horgan detailing the importance of social distancing. “It’s terrible that [COVID] affects our most vulnerable. B.C. is home to some of the coolest older people on Earth. I mean, David Suzuki, he lives there. My mom,” Reynolds said. “I hope that young people of B.C. don’t kill my mom, frankly, or David Suzuki, or each other.”