Furthering the case that she should moonlight as a health commissioner, Stevie Nicks has written an impassioned plea on Facebook that urged people to continue taking the coronavirus pandemic seriously. In a message posted on August 11, the shawled Fleetwood Mac chanteuse criticized people who are eschewing masks for political reasons, comparing the action to her “apocalyptic” season of American Horror Story. “A lot of people still aren’t taking the wearing of a simple mask seriously or just trying to be aware of how close you are to others,” Nicks wrote as we queued “Stand Back” on Spotify in solidarity. “The masks and the distancing have now become a political statement. It is not political. It is a silent killer hiding in the shadows. It is stalking you. It doesn’t care who you are. It’s just looking for a victim.” Still not convinced? Then do it for Nicks herself. “If I get it, I will probably never sing again,” she added. “Put me on a ventilator and I will be hoarse for the rest of my life. I don’t have much time. I am 72 years old.” And do you want to kill that feuding queen?