go go go joseph

Spike Lee Pops Bottles in Brooklyn to Celebrate Biden Victory

Photo: Getty Images for HBO

Director Spike Lee, king of New York, is celebrating Joe Biden and Kamala Harris’s victory like the rest of the city: by dancing and popping bottles in the middle of the street. After the election was called for Biden, esteemed Vulture recapper Paul McCallion tweeted, “Spike Lee is drinking Champagne in the middle of the street in Fort Greene.” Ten minutes later, he posted the evidence, a joyous video of Lee surrounded by Brooklynites, shaking a Champagne bottle and jumping up and down. When Lee gets the bottle open he doesn’t put his thumb on the top so it doesn’t spray so much as sploosh out, but that’s okay because he’s probably just saving the good stuff for a Knicks championship win in the year 2100.

Spike Lee Pops Bottles in NYC to Celebrate Biden Victory