
San Diego Comic-Con ‘Special Edition’ Will Take Place in Person Over Thanksgiving Weekend

Photo: MediaNews Group via Getty Images

After previously announcing that its 100,000-plus attendance summer event will be postponed until 2022 due to the coronavirus, San Diego Comic-Con has announced the dates and further details for its smaller, three-day, in-person event this November. Called “Comic-Con Special Edition,” the fall convention will take place over Thanksgiving weekend, November 26-28, 2021. According to a statement from Comic-Con International on Saturday, this will be “the first in-person convention produced by the organization since Comic-Con 2019, and the first since the onset of the global pandemic COVID-19.” Comic-Con has not given any further information about logistics, attendance capacity, or how social distancing measures will be enforced. Bazinga?

San Diego Comic-Con to Happen in Person Thanksgiving Weekend