With the coronavirus canceling all fun and joy in 2020, San Diego Comic-Con is becoming one of the first major public events to attempt something for 2021 as the country’s vaccine rollout rumbles on. In a statement posted to its social-media accounts today, the famed convention announced that an in-person event is being planned for later this year, although the specific logistics have yet to be confirmed. “While we lament the postponement of the in-person Comic-Con, our commitment to this community of fans and our celebration of comics and the related popular arts endures as an important part of who we are,” the statement read. “As the timing and scope of our larger event factored greatly into our decision to postpone, we believe that launching a smaller in-person event at a later time may be a safe alternative. For this reason, we are happy to announce that San Diego Comic Convention is planning to present a three-day in-person convention in San Diego in November. At this time, we are still working on specific details as to attendance capacity, badge cost, and related information, and those details will be forthcoming.”
San Diego Comic-Con, for the first time in 50 years, canceled its in-person July 2020 convention due to the ongoing pandemic, instead adapting to a multiday online event. Its spring 2021 WonderCon was also canceled in favor of a free virtual experience for fans, as well as its standard July 2021 convention. This November event will serve as a bonus extension of the Comic-Con experience. “The past several months have taken a great toll on both families and friends, and we hope this effort is a small move toward a return to gathering as a community to not only celebrate popular art, but also friendship, education, and the enduring spirit of the fandom that is so much a part of Comic-Con,” the statement added. “We thank you all for your continued and unwavering support during these most challenging times.” We already can’t wait for the booths selling ridiculously overpriced swag.