If you’re not drawing connections between Zack Snyder’s Justice League and Kelly Reichardt’s gentle little bake-sale indie First Cow, you’re not doing comparative literature right. Zack Snyder, on the other hand, has found the least likely point of reference to his four-hour DC punch-fest Snyder Cut, and he shared it in the New York Times on Sunday, saying, “‘the viewing experience is still at a hugely high quality. It’s really up to your TV. It’s in the same aspect ratio as First Cow. Those two movies share some common DNA, I think. [Laughs.] I really did like First Cow, actually. I would love that in a double feature, First Cow and the Snyder cut of Justice League.’” What’s weirder: Zack Snyder referring to his own movie as “the Snyder cut” or the now-very-real possibility that Elsie the Cow may be folded into the DCEU?