Whether you’re enjoying his new addition to Dick Wolf’s Law & Order universe in and of itself, or are simply watching in the hopes that this week’s crime will require him to do a deep lunge, you’re in luck: Christopher Meloni’s Law & Order: Organized Crime is keeping his Apple Bottoms in the Big Apple for a second season. As NBC announced on Friday, the series will join their equally stacked Thursday night lineup this fall, capping off the evening at 10:00 p.m. after Season 23 of Law & Order: SVU at 9:00 p.m. and Wolf’s newly announced addition Law & Order: For the Defense at 8:00 p.m.
Kicking off the show via a crossover event with Meloni’s former NBC series, Law & Order: SVU, Organized Crime finds his character, Elliot Stabler, reeling after the death of his wife and recommitted to the NYPD as part of their elite organized-crime task force alongside Dylan McDermott, Danielle Moné Truitt, Tamara Taylor, and Ainsley Seiger. As much as we love to watch him leave, we much prefer to see Christopher Meloni stay.