last night on late night

Homer Simpson Did Conan O’Brien’s TBS Exit Interview

Conan O’Brien’s last job before becoming late night’s tall creepy nephew was as a writer on The Simpsons. He wrote three full episodes of the show, “New Kid on the Block,” “Marge vs. the Monorail,” and “Homer Goes to College,” all of which are in the pantheon of favorite Simpsons ever. But O’Brien left the yellow family for greener pastures, as seasons seven and eight co-showrunner Josh Weinstein tweeted, O’Brien actually got the call that he was going to be the future host of Late Night at a Simpsons table read. It’s been string dances as trips to the American Girl Store ever since. For the last Conan ever, The Simpsons created a little cold open of Homer Simpson giving O’Brien his exit interview. It was a nice full circle moment to kick off a night of farewell frivolity.

Homer Simpson Did Conan O’Brien’s TBS Exit Interview