Catherine Cohen sits backstage and holds her own gaze in the mirror. She lets out a laugh that falls somewhere between Broadway ingénue and Disney stepmother and says, “I feel completely insane, but I look lit’rally stunning.” Cut to the New York comedian doffing her candy-floss robe as she climbs the stairs to the stage of her new comedy special, The Twist … ? She’s Gorgeous. Cohen takes on the inflection of an old dame who’s been working crowds for ages, even though this is her first filmed Netflix special. Wearing white go-go boots lifted directly off the green M&M’s de-bimbofied corpse, she breaks out into her opening number, “Boys never wanted to kiss me / So now I do comedy,” she croons. If you thought Netflix musical-comedy specials begin and end with the tall, tall, sad, sad man, you thought wrong, dummy. “I’m really more of a dancer than a comedian,” Cohen says with a twirl for effect. Throw yourself a soirée and watch The Twist … ? She’s Gorgeous when it premieres March 15.