What happened to the good old days when a Marvel suit just meant a cape and mask? Per Variety, Lena Headey is being sued for $1.5 million over several projects, including a cut role in Thor: Love and Thunder, out July 8. That’s right: The plaintiff in this lawsuit is not Headey or even (à la Ana de Armas) her fans. Instead, Headey’s former agency is suing her. YMU, the U.K. agency previously known as Troika, alleges that the Game of Thrones actress owes $500,000 in commission fees for the upcoming Marvel movie. According to Variety, that’s 7 percent of Headey’s earnings, so on the bright side … at least she made $7.1 million for a movie she’s not even in? YMU is also suing its former client for $300,000 for the movie 9 Bullets and $650,000 for Rita, the Showtime series that never progressed past a pilot episode. The agency is reportedly asking Headey to pay commission fees, damages for breach of contract, interest, and reimbursement of legal fees. Headey claims that she never signed a contract with the agency. And with specific regard to Love and Thunder, she disagrees that the agency has any right to payment. According to Headey, director Taika Waititi personally approached her about the part. We hope he also had the decency to tell her directly when he decided to take it back.