Rita Ora has been in the public eye for over a decade, yet some of the public (this writer) struggles to name a Rita Ora song (they’re actually doing well on Spotify) or a movie she’s been in (according to Wikipedia, she played Christian Grey’s sister in all three Fifty Shades installments). But over the past year, we’ve all watched against our will enraptured as she’s grown closer to indie director turned Marvel hitmaker Taika Waititi, with whom she’s stirred some pretty serious marriage rumors over the past few weeks with Instagram pics of conspicuous wedding bands on ring fingers. And now we can (sort of) confirm that the two have been wed. Rita Ora will now go by Rita Waititi-Ora, according to an August 8 exclusive report from U.K. tabloid The Sun and backup from E! Online. Apparently, Ora and Waititi both casually popped the question at the same time around two months ago in a fitting end to a relationship that got serious fast. The ceremony itself was low-key. “It was a really intimate ceremony and super-special for everyone there. Their nearest and dearest can see how madly in love they are,” a source said. Will we now see Rita Waititi-Ora on her Spotify profile? Is an extra name the final boss of a rebrand that skyrockets her to a household name?
There hasn’t been any official wedding announcement, pics or otherwise. “Despite living in the spotlight, Rita is determined to keep the relationship as private as possible and didn’t want to make a big song and dance about the wedding,” the source told The Sun. “A big, showbiz-style bash is planned to celebrate, but don’t expect to see it being flogged to the highest-bidding magazine.” Whatever that means, good for them!