Brendan Fraser may be in a prestige, Oscar-y moment, but he’s not afraid to get back in the sand. Speaking to Variety, Fraser said he’d be down for a fourth Mummy movie if the vibe was right. “I don’t know how it would work,” he said. “But I’d be open to it if someone came up with the right conceit.” Fraser also threw a little shade on the Dark Universe, saying that Tom Cruise’s Mummy installment flopped because it wasn’t fun: “The ingredient that we had going for our Mummy, which I didn’t see in that film, was fun. That was what was lacking in that incarnation. It was too much of a straight-ahead horror movie. The Mummy should be a thrill ride, but not terrifying and scary.” It’s true: The Mummy films helmed by Fraser et al. were more action-adventure than horror (and more bisexual awakening than anything else, if TikTok is to be believed). Cruise’s Mummy was intended to create an entire resurrection of the Universal horror-verse. Can’t bring a unique tone when you have a shared universe to establish! Tom Cruise will just have to satisfy himself with the Mission Impossible and Top Gun franchises. That, and hurling himself into space.