Breaking news: Balthazar restaurateur Keith McNally has posted another blurry picture of James Corden to Instagram. As always, this is bad news for Corden and great news for anyone who thinks McNally’s Instagram captions are New York’s best gossip column. This time around, McNally is responding to an interview Corden did with Caitlin Moran for the London Times on October 28. In the profile, Corden texts Moran after the news of his Balthazar banishment, denying the servers’ accounts of how he mistreated them. “It’s been the most surreal moment,” he tells Moran via text. “I mean, it’s so odd. I never screamed at anyone, I didn’t shout, didn’t call anyone a name or swear or use derogatory language … How is it remotely a thing? And that be OK? And now it’s fact, and that’s that. When that person who posted the story wasn’t even there. Just so odd.” He also claims that his wife is “allergic to egg white. That’s why we’d ordered an egg-yolk omelette. Her actual words were, ‘But don’t worry if you can’t manage it.’”
On October 31, McNally responded to the article, saying “Corden flip-flopped and told a massive lie AGAIN.” Furthermore, McNally did not buy Corden’s televised apology on his own Late Late Show: “On second viewing, I found his TV ‘confessional’ contrived and phony. The actor will say anything to save his bacon.” Is that a breakfast dig? There’s not enough time to consider that, because then McNally issues his final words on the whole Cordeal. “In the scheme of things my opinion means nothing, but after Friday’s interview and a second look at his fraudulent confessional, I’ve given up on James Corden,” he concluded. “For Good.”
We’re glad to see that McNally stands by his employees, though we’re left with a nagging feeling that if Corden’s wife is really allergic to albumen, she probably shouldn’t be ordering eggs at all? Is Corden trying to Phantom Thread his wife?