Man, Tom Petty would’ve loved this. They do get lucky sometimes. Jeopardy! has unveiled the details of its newest tournament, Second Chance, which is kind of like the eccentric younger cousin of the Tournament of Champions. Starting on October 17 and running for two weeks, Second Chance invites 18 contestants back to the show who share common buzzer DNA: They all lost and didn’t become Jeopardy! champions — most of them had bad scheduling luck and faced off against super-champions such as Amy Schneider and Matt Amodio — but came close enough to warrant another shot at glory. At its conclusion on October 28, two contestants will earn spots at the upcoming ToC. “I may have just broken the Jeopardy!-verse,” executive producer Michael Davies previously said about the tournament, adding that he’s had the idea for several years. “I know there will be many contestants from previous years who will be howling at this point, and I do not rule out a future opportunity to compete again for some of you.” We’ll take “Fun Idea” for $1,000.