Britney Spears knows the world wants a piece of her, and she is no longer happy to provide. In a November 9 statement made on social media, Spears criticizes the 2021 documentaries that came out about her life, including Framing Britney Spears, Controlling Britney Spears, and Britney vs. Spears, and CNN’s Toxic: Britney Spears’ Battle for Freedom. “Wasn’t it already bad enough what they did to me and on top of it everybody is getting together and doing the trashiest docs I’ve ever seen in my life saying it’s TO HELP ME ???” Spears says in regards to the documentaries and her conservatorship. “I think the meanest part was the deception in claiming it was to help me !!!” “The best part to me was when my old assistant talked about how I went through the neighborhood passing out 100 dollar bills when my first song came out !!!” she continues, referencing a story told in Framing Britney Spears by her former assistant Felicia Culotta. Spears calls out other specific people, including a former stylist, likely Framing Britney Spears participant Hayley Hill, saying, “The embarrassing 5 minute talk my stylist did crying on camera about my dad taking my phone away… was humiliating.” “They KNEW and it’s time to realize that it was THEN I needed REAL people to go to the cops and say ‘Jesus Christ what is going on ????? Aren’t there labor laws ??? The girl has been working like a dog !!!’” Spears writes.
“So for the documentaries that were done on me, they were trash and nothing more than trash … period !!!” Spears says as well. She’s not into documentaries about her, but what about a biopic? Maybe featuring a certain actress starring in Enola Holmes? Oh, no. Hmmm … maybe we should just let Britney live.