At the John Wick 4 Los Angeles premiere on March 20, the cast and crew of the film shared their deep affection for their late co-star Lance Reddick. Those who worked with him were still mourning the loss on the red carpet after Reddick’s unexpected death just a few days prior, on March 17. “He was a very beautiful person, a special artist,” Keanu Reeves told AP. “He had such a passion for his work and his craft. He was gracious, he had a dignity to him and a presence. Just to be in his light and to get a chance to work with him, I’ll cherish for the rest of my life.” “We lost our brother, and in a really sort of very shocking way. I think we’re all still in shock,” Fishburne said, acknowledging the emotional impact Reddick’s death had on him. “Life is … hard sometimes.”
“I really wish he could be with us tonight, but, you know, life,” the John Wick director Chad Stahelski said. “But we’re very fortunate to have known him. And he’s a great man, a great artist, a great human, a dear friend.” John Wick 4 will be released on March 24, and while it won’t be Reddick’s last onscreen performance, it will be his last time appearing in the franchise that he helped define.