Most co-parents aim for a civil relationship after getting a divorce. In the case of ski-crash survivor Gwyneth Paltrow, her conscious uncoupling with Chris Martin led her to see him in a different, more brotherly light. At the Goop Wellness Summit over the weekend, Paltrow said she’s still “very close” with her ex-husband and has since morphed their relationship “into a true family,” per The Hollywood Reporter. “I know it sounds really weird to say, but he’s kind of like my brother now,” she explained during her 30-minute “Ask Me Anything” Q&A session. “And it’s hard for people to understand, but I did really make a commitment that he would stay my family, and I think we suffer a lot less because of that.” Because the pair share two children, Apple, 19, and Moses, 17, Paltrow realized it would be difficult to think of him in any other way. “I think it’s incredibly painful for a woman, when you’ve co-mingled your DNA with a man, if you have no contact and acrimony and nothing between you,” she said. “So if you’re able to, transmogrify that into a different type of relationship and family. That’s what we’ve been able to do, thank goodness.” Another Gwyneth-ism for the books.