To misquote Mary J. Blige: Don’t need no strangulation, holleration in this dancery. The Simpsons is officially done with Homer strangling his son, Bart. On the third episode of The Simpsons’ 35th season, which aired on October 22, Homer revealed the change himself. In the episode, “McMansion & Wife,” upon shaking the hand of his new neighbor Thayer, the neighbor comments that Homer has a strong grip. “See, Marge, strangling the boy paid off,” Homer replies, before adding, “Just kidding. I don’t do that anymore. Times have changed.”
Homer hasn’t strangled Bart since season 31 of the show, according to this Simpsons Wiki page that tracks every strangulation ever on the show. There have been other strangulations, but through the guise of Ancient Greek pastiche (as in the season 32 episode “I, Carumbus”) or in various “Treehouse of Horror” episodes. But now the iconic gag (both literal and figurative) is on its last breath.