Water is wet, the earth is round, and Twilight is gay. We know it, you know it, and now, Kristen Stewart is on the record as having been knowing it. In a Variety cover story tied to her two upcoming films at the Sundance Film Festival, Stewart talks about her roles both queer and straight in Hollywood, as well as her role in the public eye as a “bro-y, butch-y queer woman.” Stewart realizes that much of her filmography, even from well before she came out in 2017, is basically queer cinema, by dint of how she performed it or, in the case of the Twilight saga, its whole entire deal.
“I don’t think it necessarily started off that way, but I also think that the fact that I was there at all, it was percolating. It’s such a gay movie. I mean, Jesus Christ, Taylor [Lautner] and Rob and me, and it’s so hidden and not okay. I mean, a Mormon woman wrote this book. It’s all about oppression, about wanting what’s going to destroy you. That’s a very Gothic, gay inclination that I love.”
This is exactly the way the Twilight films are meant to be read if you’re going for maximum enjoyment, and it’s especially fun how Stewart taps into the Mormon Gothic of Stephenie Meyer’s work. And that’s without even bringing up the glittery vampires, the girls playing baseball, Edward/Jacob slash-fic, alpha-omega wolf-pack dynamics, or Michael Sheen’s whole deal. The way she says “Jesus Christ, Taylor [Lautner] and Rob and me” makes the teen supernatural romance sound like Passages. May it forever hold space in the queer canon, so sayeth K-Stew.