These are the bricks of a killer, Bella. Finally, Lego adults and Twihards will unite under the rally cry of “No, I need the other brown piece. The other brown one. I don’t know, square? Just look!” Lego has announced that it will be making its own version of the Cullen house from Twilight. Designed by Nick Micheels, the house was part of the company’s Lego Ideas initiative, which takes fan designs and makes them a reality. The set includes Carlisle Cullen’s home surgery, so you can stage your own Breaking Dawn birth scene if that’s what you’re into. The Cullen house (big version) exists outside of Portland, OR. The house was built in 2007 for Nike director John Hoke, and featured in the first Twilight movie the following year. Micheels’ build includes the three-floor house and minifigs of Bella, Edward, Jacob (pre- and post-character development haircut), and Dr. Hottie himself, Carlisle Cullen. Upsetting CGI baby, teen Confederate vampire, Dakota Fanning serving harder than anyone’s ever served before, and mom who just wants to cook “Italiano” for her son’s new gf sold separately.