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Capitalist Dystopia in South Korea and South Dakota

Photo-Illustration: New York Magazine

Our guide to what’s highbrow, lowbrow, brilliant, and despicable. Tap or click each image below to enlarge.

Photo-Illustration: 50 States (South Dakota); Facebook; FungBros/Flickr (Yang); Eltico68/Flickr (Real Estate); arbyreed/Flickr (Oil Spill); The Lark; Rahoule Ghose/PBS (Carlos Watson); Kelly Michals(USPS); Big Cypress National Reserve (Woodpecker)
Photo-Illustration: NYPL; Penguin Random House;Niels Fabæk/Kunsten Museum of Modern Art (Take the Money and Run); Central Disease Center; Jeremiah Garcia/WikimediaCommons (Tony Benett); New York City Center (Haring); Kubacheck/Flickr (Tom Petty); Six on Broadway; Kirt Kittell (Dave Eggers)
Photo-Illustration: Robert Occhialini (Yankees); Wine Dharma (Espresso Martini) Rocky Chang (Thermometer); Erik Drost(Kyrie Irving); Sony Pictures Entertainment(Seinfeld); Warner Brothers (Saints of Newark); Cara DiFabio/Flickr (Trainor); Julie Falk/Flickr(Apples); Universal Music Group (Thicke); David Cooke (Boar)
Photo-Illustration: Netflix (Squid Game); HBO (Succession); HBO (Sopranos); Sherwood411 (Jagger); Emily Mariko/TikTok(Emily Mariko); Zach Cantanzareti/Flickr(Bubba Wallace); SuperFestivals/WikimediaCommons(Shatner); NPSPhoto/C.Spencer(Fat Bear); Premier.Gov.Ru (Andrew Lloyd Webber)

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Capitalist Dystopia in South Korea and South Dakota