At this point in our couples’ 90 Day adventure, we’re at the point when these people are finally revealing their true selves. Most of these people fell in love when they were still in the vacation stage; now they have to deal with the stress of running balloon businesses and what to wear out. While these wouldn’t seem to be big issues, in the world of 90 Day Fiancé, shifts like this tend to have major impacts on the relationship.
Take Guillermo and Kara, who have mostly been naïve and childish, but now they’re actively hurting each other. Kara speaks down to Guillermo when she’s stressed and busy. She clearly wants to rub her ex in Guillermo’s face and is still playing high-school games. As she said, she hasn’t changed her core personality since she was 18 (that’s wild when you remember she was introduced as the season’s cougar). Kara needs to grow up to be the wife Guillermo needs, and I don’t think Guillermo is willing to call her out on that. After Kara’s behavior at her reunion, I think Guillermo will be the one to do what’s best for him.
First of all, it is obvious that Kara breaks hearts and damages men because her ex-boyfriend went from being a jock to having a Rocko’s Modern Life tattoo and wearing bright yellow camo (the worst color for camo)! I absolutely believe Kara ruined his ability to trust women, and she will do the same thing to Guillermo. It will only be a few months before Kara explains to Guillermo that he’s no longer good for her soul. Sorry Guillermo, but a woman with a “No Fuss” tattoo who wants to lay down tracks with her rapper ex is not here for you!
With Jibri and Miona, I do think they know each other pretty well! Their matching outfits have won me over and I truly do think “fashion” is their passion. The thing is, they’re just very different people. Miona is willing to smile and play nice with Jibri’s family, but that girl is not staying in South Dakota at the end of the day. I’m glad Jibri’s grandma said she doesn’t expect her to change, but even if the entire state of South Dakota opened their arms to Miona’s winged eyeliner, she would still be on a plane to California. Jibri still seems to think he can trick Miona into accepting South Dakota, but it’s not just going to happen.
It also looks as though Kobe and Emily are both too stubborn to make the changes they need for their marriage to survive. Emily still refuses to see Kobe as a father and husband, even though he does more than most fathers on the show! He’s changing diapers, he’s trying to get close with his son! But Emily focuses on criticizing him rather than compromising or communicating. Obviously, Emily was right about Kobe not driving in America with their kid in the car for the first time, but I think he just feels generally emasculated. Everything turns into an argument, and I understand why Kobe feels as if his presence is unnecessary. These two haven’t had a single happy moment since Kobe landed.
Unlike the other couples, Ari is happy to list all the changes Bini needs to make. She isn’t making any changes like getting a job or learning how to pay a bill, but she’s ready to send Bini back home if he fails to make the vague changes she demands. Ari also hasn’t done much to make sure her family likes Bini! Her family has the worst opinion of him because of Ari’s accusations. I do think dinner with Ari’s family made it clear how little of this relationship is based on love. Bini wants to stay with his son, so he’s putting up with Ari in the hopes he’ll get a green card. Bini says this a lot in his individual interviews, but it’s the first time he says it outright. Of course, he has no idea Ari’s family is terrified this is his plan. I feel as though Ari will be asking for money to send Bini back home before she learns to pay a utility bill.
It feels as though Bilal has changed into a completely different person than the man Shaeeda knew back home. She talks about how romantic and sweet Bilal is, but we have never seen that. Finally, Bilal takes her on a proper date; Shaeeda says beautiful things, and Bilal basically spits in her face. It’s obvious Bilal hasn’t dealt with his past rejections in a healthy way. Instead of returning her energy, he again makes her insecure about the state of their relationship and their plans for kids. Once again, Shaeeda isn’t asking for a child immediately; she just wants to know there’s a chance. Whatever version of Bilal Shaeeda met before is gone, and I think they’ll both end up using the baby excuse to end things.
Then, there’s Yve and Mohamed, whose relationship feels pointless now! Mohamed criticizes everything Yve does, and she is not putting up with that. I’m glad she can see what’s wrong with Mohamed’s behavior and talk about it with her friends, but I don’t think real change was ever on the table for these two! Mohamed is a Muslim man, and he expects his wife to respect that. Yve wants to do yoga and day drink with friends! They both knew this, so why did they waste money on plane tickets and all of those couples’-photo portraits Yve put around her house.
90 Day Notes
• Okay, but Yve’s thong was fully showing (which is a look!). Did she really think Mohamed would be okay with that?! Anyway, I am happy Yve’s friends were tough on him.
• Kara’s job is really balloons. You can really be anything. Also loved that Kara bragged about being the most popular person in high school in the middle of nowhere Virginia.
• Jibri’s grandma does seem nicer than his mom. She didn’t even force Miona to clean up!
• Is Kobe even allowed to drive without a license? Does Kobe’s family expect to watch Kobe’s every move with his own child? But also, Kobe, your kid is still breastfeeding — small solids aren’t something he’s probably ready for.
• I love that Guillermo threw shade at Kara’s ex, but at the same time … I think that was a look into what Guillermo will have to deal with in this relationship. Also, I love that Kara told her ex to talk about their breakup and she didn’t remember any of it.
• Yve, pick the bikini. Please. Mohamed is not the one for you.
• Bini, that black velvet shirt was intense. Anyway, Ari, if Bini is bad at communicating with your family, maybe help him out!
• Wow, Jibri has a fake music-career opportunity!
• Snooze of an episode — let’s hope Patrick and Thaís bring the fun back next week!