If Brittany and Yazan weren’t particularly entertaining before, the threat of Yazan’s father murdering him doesn’t make things any better. Maybe if Brittany and Yazan were actually in love and Brittany seemed aware of the consequences at hand, but she’s absolutely oblivious to Yazan’s state of affairs! She tells her father that Yazan moved out on his own because he wanted to, but that isn’t true. Yazan has been forced out on his own, and he already resents Brittany for it. Meanwhile, Brittany is wearing a shirt that asks for tequila when she knows it’s going to make Yazan mad.
Their entire conversation in the car made it pretty obvious Brittany isn’t playing with Yazan to buy time before her marriage — she’s just doing this to be on TV. Brittany’s friends and family know she’s not converting. We know she’s not converting. Yazan seems to be the only person in the world convinced Brittany is going to become a devout Muslim once she goes back to Jordan. Brittany is manufacturing drama for the show, and it’s unfair to Yazan and the other couples sharing this season with her.
If there were no film crew following her, I doubt Brittany would even go back to Jordan. The producers are good at vetting couples on 90 Day Fiancé’s main series, and it is hard to believe anyone would go through the sacrifices of moving to another country just to be on TV. Jenny had to give up her pension and most of her income to be with Sumit. Ariela is constantly reminding Biniyam of everything she left in America. Tim turned his back on his job and house. Kenneth left his family behind and is taking on cultural prejudices he never had to experience in America. Deavan has to put up with Jihoon. Everyone else on 90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way is dealing with some pretty serious stuff, and Brittany … had two vacations to Jordan. It’s been hard watching her lounge on the beach while Yazan’s father and brother try desperately to get him to wake up, but they’re right: Brittany is playing games and using him. And while I don’t think the rumors they are hearing are true, it’s obvious Brittany isn’t concerned with his family’s reputation and isn’t going to change. She also doesn’t even know if she wants to marry Yazan anymore, and still needs to tell him that she was actually in America to get divorced. Yazan’s actions feel more transparent. Hopefully, he will realize Brittany isn’t being completely honest with him and he’ll move on.
This season doesn’t need this sort of contrived drama. Even Jenny and Sumit have gotten interesting again. Now that Sumit’s divorce and legal issues are done, I thought we’d see the Sumit that Jenny sees. Sumit has always seemed less invested in the relationship, but he was carrying the burden of his divorce and a massive debt. Now that his parents have spent a ton of money making sure Sumit feels free of those burdens, do we get to see a carefree Sumit who can love Jenny openly? No. In fact, Sumit’s conversation with his father kind of makes it sound like he is only with Jenny because he feels indebted to her. Jenny has supported him through this long, horrible legal process, but Sumit doesn’t seem eager to lose his family over her.
His parents also won’t allow the marriage to happen, which I suspect Sumit always knew would happen. Sadly, Jenny seems to be blissfully unaware of this, and I think she’s given up so much to be with him that she’ll just keep trying to make it work. Jenny has been acting tough this season, but she probably should have waited to see what Sumit’s feelings would be like after his divorce before getting in so deep.
Tim and Melyza are another couple I’d love to see break up before they waste more of each other’s time. Melyza is being kind of hypocritical when Tim had to tell her family about his indiscretion but Melyza suddenly acts like what she did should be kept between them. Tim is clearly hurt, and it’s unfair that he’s supposed to keep everything bottled up. Luckily, I think Tim’s mom will be enough to convince them things are over.
I’m starting to think Deavan wants to end her marriage with Jihoon. That’s the only way to explain the way she’s acting! She’s snooping through Jihoon’s phone and trying to get him fired. She’s telling his friends about his porn habits. It’s obvious Jihoon has never cheated, and if he has tons of personal pictures of girls, it’s more likely he’s using something like OnlyFans than carrying on tons of affairs. If Deavan considers porn cheating, that’s her choice, but this clearly wasn’t a boundary Jihoon was aware of in their relationship. I just don’t know why Deavan insists on constantly embarrassing her husband in front of his friends and co-workers.
At least with Ariela, it makes sense when she freaks out and insults Biniyam’s culture. She’s a new mom, and she doesn’t trust her husband to take care of their kid. It’s a little demeaning; Bini has had a baby before, so I don’t think he’s just obsessed with cultural ideations of masculinity. I think he just knows how hard these practices can be but understands that they’re necessary. I think he did a great job of calming Ariela down, but I think she’s still approaching their relationship all wrong. Bini understands that this is a partnership and they both have to compromise. Ariela sees it as a competition or something she can win, and right now, she feels like she’s losing. It seems all too likely she’s just going to take her ball (the baby) and go home.
Finally, there’s Kenneth and Armando. I obviously had to save the best for last after an episode that almost killed my faith in love. The producers did a great job of building tension around Kenneth and Armando’s same-sex-marriage application, because I really did cry when the clerk told them they had her full support. It’s unfair that they have to go through extra steps, but it seems like things will be okay for them. As long as Kenneth starts taking Spanish lessons, these two have an actual chance.