Well, I think we can all firmly say we’re on Team Yazan now, can’t we? Is this the biggest reveal of a true villain in 90 Day Fiancé history? Remember when we first met Brittany and we were worried about her safety because Yazan seemed aggressive and uncaring? Brittany and Yazan have never really fit with the show because their relationship seemed so fake, but now it looks very real, absolutely one-sided, and unfair. When the season started, I wanted Brittany to go home for her safety. Now I want her to stay in Florida so Yazan can go back to his life.
Yazan has lost his family and his job. He was homeless and managed to turn things around just a little bit. He even bought Brittany the ridiculous plane ticket she asked for, despite knowing he’ll have to work the entire time she’s there. He’s done everything for her and she barely mentions his hardships. She keeps telling the audience that she’s only asking for plane tickets and an apartment to buy time for her divorce, but now that it’s been granted she has no excuse for this behavior. Before, she made it seem as if she was willing to get married as soon as her divorce was final, but I think Brittany is only now realizing that Yazan is actually religious. I don’t think she thought he was serious about it.
She keeps saying Yazan needs to stand up to his parents, but he doesn’t even have parents to stand up to anymore. Yazan isn’t asking her to convert and be modest because of them anyway, it’s because of his own beliefs. Maybe she knows her ultimatum will backfire and this will bring the breakup she secretly wants. Somehow, Yazan still seems to be in love with her, which is more than I can say for some of 90 Day Fiancé’s other couples. For example, I’ve fully given up on Ariela and Biniyam and kind of doubt that they ever even liked each other.
Brittany might be keeping things from Yazan, but Bini and Ariela seem like they’re on totally different planets. They don’t communicate anything to each other. Bini absolutely should’ve prepared Ariela for the sheep sacrifice happening outside their apartment, so her shock there was warranted. Her belittling of Bini’s religion and the baptism his aunts wanted was absolutely gross, though. If the baptism matters to Bini’s family, it’s not right to call it silly. Bini isn’t in a great position. He’s terrified of losing his family and Ariela keeps calling their baby “her baby.” He agrees to whatever she says and she has all the power.
Bini said “I love you” and she just replied with “okay.” There’s no real love here and I feel like Ari is just going to use that to manipulate the situation. Even if she says they can do a baptism, she could change her mind with no explanation just like she did with the circumcision. I think it’s more about control and Ariela wanting things done her way. I know she’s a new mom, but Bini has had a kid before. He’s not dumb, he knows how to take care of a baby and he cares about Ariela. If the hospital was unsafe, he wouldn’t have brought the baby there. Ariela sees everything he does as an attack.
Jenny certainly isn’t attacking Sumit anymore. As Sumit said, “making love was passionate,” which is something I really didn’t need to know. I’ve doubted Sumit’s intentions, but I think he was right to say no to Jenny’s promise ring. He wants to do a proper ring ceremony and Jenny deserves that. Sumit mostly seemed confused about the difference between a promise ring and an engagement ring. Jenny probably should’ve cleared that up.
It is odd that they’re living off of Jenny’s social security, though. Sumit had a job when Jenny first came to visit, so why isn’t he employed now? Once they get married, won’t she lose her citizenship and social security? At least they don’t have to deal with Sumit’s court charges anymore since everything was dismissed, but it’s kind of funny his ex-wife sued his entire family.
Okay, I finally feel bad for Jihoon, too. This was not a great episode for the ladies! Deavan was totally demeaning when she kept calling Jihoon a “good boy” and told his boss he had gotten in trouble for stealing phones before. Who does that? Why would she do that? Does she want Jihoon to get fired? Deavan doesn’t seem to trust Jihoon even when he’s doing the right thing and all she does is complain. Usually, she’s right to complain, but putting his job at risk because she’s worried he’s stealing phones again isn’t a great plan. I also thought it was hilarious when Deavan pretended that the banquet hall wasn’t good enough for a wedding. It was beautiful! Maybe they can only have an hour, but can’t they just have a reception somewhere else?
Finally, there’s Kenny and Armando. Now that he’s fathering a child who only speaks Spanish, Kenny has finally realized it might be important for him to learn the language. I do think Kenny is a good dad and he obviously wants to be a good co-parent, but that would’ve involved taking a few Spanish lessons! How can Kenny tell Armando how to treat Hannah when Kenny can’t even talk to Hannah? I also think he was a bit harsh about the gifts, it was their first day in the city together! She was excited! She deserved some toys and ice cream after that long drive. Either way, Kenny and Armando did handle the situation very well and actually communicated, unlike every other couple in this episode.