I don’t even know how to approach all of the evils that take place in “How to Marry a Stripper.” This is easily one of the season’s best episodes because it shows how different these couples are from those in previous seasons. I don’t think we’ve ever seen a cast with so many sweet people who are doing their best! I have never felt as bad for anyone in the 90 Day universe as I do for Bini, Kobe, Shaeeda, and Patrick. If the producers wanted to diversify the villains and victims they feature on the show, they did a great job.
I’ll start with Ari because she is usually the worst person on the show, a title she holds on to this week when she forces Bini to interact with her ex-husband, Leandro. Bini is absolutely right to be suspicious of Ari’s relationship with Leandro! She has lied about spending the night with him in the past but calls Bini a liar if he boxes with a woman. Ari only ever brings Leandro around when she wants to make Bini mad or jealous, and that’s what happens here. It’s bad enough that Ari tried to have Leandro lecture Bini about being honest on her behalf, but it was worse when she invited Leandro to Bini’s Ethiopian New Year dinner!
You could see Bini was sad about Leandro coming to dinner and was afraid to say anything. He clearly wanted to introduce this custom to his new family, and it was so rude that Janice and Leandro took over the conversation by talking about Argentine food! On top of that, Janice made unnecessary barbs about Bini lying. The comment about Leandro choosing Ari’s bra was weird too! At this point, I’m convinced Ari and her parents are trying to antagonize Bini back to Ethiopia. There’s no way they actually think it’s normal for Ari to go wedding-dress shopping with her ex-husband.
Keep in mind that Bini has an ex-wife he shares a child with in America, and Ari has never encouraged him to reach out to her or Avi’s half-sibling. If anyone needs a relationship with their ex, it’s the person who should be co-parenting and reconnecting with their kid! But we all know Ari would lose her mind if Bini did anything like that. Leandro insisting he’s part of Ari’s family when there’s no reason for him to be there is weird! I also don’t like how Ari’s family keeps acting like Bini is a violent liar or capable of harming Leandro. The whole situation is getting weird, and I am convinced Bini is stuck in a Get Out–like nightmare.
I had the same concern for Kobe, but after this week, I think even Emily’s family is on his side. The second Emily’s dad realized she spent money she did not have on a ring, he was done with her. Everyone could see how hurt Kobe was that Emily didn’t trust him to keep his word, and her attempts to laugh it off made it worse. Emily’s sister and mom knew she bought her own ring — I think they could’ve given her a heads-up that Kobe was shopping for one without spoiling when the engagement would happen! She didn’t even need to bring it up, and it’s so childish that she thought this was something she had to share. She could’ve just returned the ring! After all the arguing these two have been through, Emily had to go and ruin Kobe’s proposal, too! They seemed so happy having fake sex in that mattress store.
Normally Bilal would rank next in terms of awfulness, but Thais outdid him this week! Thais accidentally told Patrick that her dad doesn’t know they’re getting married, which obviously Patrick has a problem with. I have known Patrick for only 11 episodes, but even I know that he is a family man! He loves his brothers; he’s not getting married without a bachelor party. Thais’s Las Vegas–wedding switcheroo was rude and immature. I hope Patrick realizes she’s not ready for marriage if she can’t be honest with her father about it. Also, I hate that Thais said all that stuff about Patrick being honest about his money because they’re getting married but she has been keeping a huge secret!
Okay, now we can talk about Bilal! He wasn’t as bad as last week, but only because he didn’t whip out any legal documents. Instead, he lectures Shaeeda on properly packing her suitcase and handling luggage zippers. I thought it was fair that Shaeeda asked for a clause about children in their prenup. If Bilal is going to keep dragging her along without being honest, this is the only way she can force him to address the issue. Otherwise, I’m just glad Shaeeda has a close group of birdies who can offer her advice.
It’s tempting to say Mohamed makes the villain list this episode, but honestly? I respect him! It would be easy for Mohamed to lie to Yve, give her the romance she wants, then slowly reveal he never intended to give her the life she wanted. Instead, he is not hiding anything: If their kid isn’t Muslim, he’d rather not have a kid. As harsh as it is, that’s what Yve needs to hear to break her rose-colored glasses. Also, Yve seems like she is at a point where all she wants to do is antagonize Mohamed. Why ask a pointed question about your tank top showing too much skin if you’re trying to keep the peace? Hopefully they’ll come to a mutual agreement to end things.
90 Day Notes
• Patrick and his brothers, John and Michael, are a real example of nature versus nurture. They all grew up in different cities and could not be more different!
• Bilal really tried to tell a grown woman how to use a zipper!
• Leandro is clearly baiting Bini and trying to make him mad!
• Thais really thought she could just smile and be sexy and convince Patrick to go against everything he believes.
• I could not even entertain Jibri and Miona’s fake nonsense! These two spent money and time applying for a K-1 visa — of course they need to get married now. It’s just timing! If they weren’t serious, they wouldn’t have filled out the paperwork. I just felt bad for Miona because Jibri threw her under the bus. I did love that Jibri’s father looked frozen during the entire dinner argument.
• Why did Emily tell Kobe about the other ring? Why?? That didn’t need to happen, Emily! Do you just enjoy hurting Kobe’s feelings? Do you like seeing him cry?
• Guillermo is so sweet, and I was heartbroken for him this week. I can’t imagine how hard it is to lose a sibling while you’re in another country and there’s nothing you can do. Kara was being incredibly sweet and supportive. I hope this helps them get over their control issues and brings them closer.