I’ve been so focused on my anger toward Ari and Bilal that I’ve really let Emily skate by this season. That comes to an end with “In The Ring,” an episode in which Emily is so evil she can’t be ignored. I had hope in the beginning when Emily and Kobe were climbing rocks, taking cute pictures, and finally being nice to each other. But as soon as Emily went dress shopping with her family, her true colors came out. Buying her own ring is an absolute betrayal of Kobe’s trust!
It’s pretty clear at this point Emily isn’t really in love with Kobe. She doesn’t trust him. She doesn’t ask his opinion on anything. She apparently didn’t even give him a good idea of how much money he should bring to America! Still, Kobe has been patient, and the $4,000 he brought is more than probably any other man in 90 Day Fiancé history. It’s just so irritating that Emily and her family keep talking down to Kobe because he can’t work, but Emily is out here spending money on unnecessary wedding rings and expensive dresses! Her family would be happy with a small wedding, but Emily gets whatever she wants, apparently.
Emily’s parents clearly don’t think she’s mature enough to take care of a family or handle money. It feels as though Emily is just trying to control Kobe because her parents control her. Honestly, I don’t think this will be enough for Kobe to give up on the relationship. He’s in it for his son, just like Bini.
There’s no way Bini still loves Ari at this point! The woman tried to shake his confidence right before his first fight! “What if I asked you not to fight tonight?” That would be a waste of time, Ari! He’s been training for weeks! Ari never thought to bring up her concerns before this? It’s just another example of Ari trying to control Bini. She gets mad anytime Bini has a life outside of her. She accused Bini of cheating because he was making music with his friends! It’s not even that Bini is keeping things from Ari; it’s just that Ari is so insecure she needs Bini to overshare to feel secure in their relationship. Bini can’t train with a woman in a professional setting, but Ari brought her ex-husband to Ethiopia! She has ridiculous double standards in their relationship.
Thaís and Patrick are also dealing with control issues this week. Thaís thinks she can sweet-talk Patrick into anything, and my man is not getting played! I don’t really understand Thaís’s rush to spend money on furniture before a wedding. Her father still doesn’t know they’re getting married, and it’s as if Thaís isn’t ready for that, either. The shopping scene was hilarious if only for this season’s best store clerk. Every season of 90 Day Fiancé, there is some store clerk who gets stuck in an incredibly awkward couple fight. Sometimes, the store clerk clings to a wall in the hopes of disappearing. Sometimes, they just sit back and enjoy the drama. But the rare store clerks, the best ones? They get involved! They offer solutions!
The clerk’s suggestion that they compromise on one item they both like and start there was smart. Even Patrick finally got into shopping once they were on the same page! But it’s not enough for Thaís — she wants Patrick to get her everything now. She’s used to being spoiled because … well, Patrick has been spoiling her. But doesn’t Thaís realize they’re in a new stage of their relationship when they need to save and build a future? Patrick throwing the money at Thaís was horrible, obviously, but that does seem to be her main focus. Thaís is hot, but I don’t know if Patrick is going to make it down the aisle if she doesn’t grow up.
Shaeeda and Bilal also don’t seem like they’re on the path to marriage. Shaeeda is openly complaining about Bilal to his sister, and that’s a huge red flag. Girl, she is not going to be on your side! She’s probably going to tell Bilal, and he’ll give you another lecture about not bringing his family into their drama. Bilal straight-up said “Marriage is a business,” and Shaeeda wants romance. I truly don’t understand what these two ever had in common! Bilal clearly doesn’t even know what romance is if he thinks bringing up a prenup on a date is smart! At least his sister called him out on that.
With Shaeeda and Bilal, the prenup seems to be an issue they won’t be able to compromise on. I don’t understand Bilal’s choice to surprise Shaeeda with it, though. They could’ve had a conversation before he said the paperwork was ready! But Bilal has firmly established himself as the worst. Shaeeda is right — he doesn’t trust her, and she doesn’t trust him to keep his promise about having kids. Just go home, Shaeeda!
The children featured this season make up the rest of “In The Ring.” I mean, Jibri, Miona, Guillermo, and Kara aren’t actually children, but their drama feels so insignificant and childish! Jibri and Miona coordinated outfits, went through the process of applying for a K-9 visa, and suddenly she’s forcing him to get married? It’s an empty concern on the part of Jibri’s parents, and it’s clear the producers are trying to wring drama out of this pretty boring story line. It’s sad because I actually think Jibri and Miona would’ve been great as this season’s one true-love couple. 90 Day always needs a young, hot couple to give us faith in romance again, and that is missing. It’s definitely not Kara and Guillermo — they’re too boring to even talk about!
90 Day Notes
• Emily, please don’t get a wedding dress with pockets.
• Ari, you should absolutely be embarrassed by what you did in that gym! Bini has become a supreme Ari-whisperer: He can calm her down so easily now! Congrats on your win, Bini! Be careful backflipping next time — you almost took out the ref!
• I feel like Kara’s friend did not care about anything she had to say at all, but he was down to look good on camera.
• Thaís seemed shocked Patrick suggested she will have to get a job. I do think it was good that they managed to talk through the issue, though.
• In what world is Bilal “Mr. Romantic”?!!?